Research Interests


Professor Andrew Wee

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Research Interests:

  • Graphene and  2D materials

  • STM, ncAFM and synchrotron radiation studies of the molecule-metal interface

  • Molecular and organic electronics and spintronics

  • Surface nanostructure formation and atomic scale templates for nanodevices

  • Depth resolution studies in SIMS and ultrashallow junctions

Research Grants as PI:

  • RP910686
    Start & end date: 01-01-92 to 31-12-94
    Title of Project: Surface adsorption studies on semiconductor/metal single crystals
    Funding: $187,000 (ARF)

  • RP970624/R-144-000-008-112
    Start & end date: 07/97 to 07/01
    Title of Project: In-situ studies of plasma modification and preconditioning of surfaces
    Funding: $192,900 (ARF)

  • RP3982727/ R-144-000-022-112
    Start & end date: 2-12-98 to 2-12-02
    Title of Project: An investigation of quantum nanostructure formation using atomic scale templates
    Funding: $472,325 (ARF,)

  • R-144-000-053-107/R-144-000-053-303
    Start & end date: 3-1-00 to 31-8-03
    Title of Project: Application of synchrotron radiation techniques to the investigation of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures
    Funding: $3.5M (ARF,NSTB,ORE)

  • R-398-000-001-112
    Start & end date: 28/04/02 to 27/04/04
    Title of Project: Surface nanostructure formation by particle beams
    Funding: $289,000 (NUSNNI)

  • R-144-000-106-305
    Start & end date: 21/12/03 to 20/06/07
    Title of Project: Synchrotron radiation and scanning probe microsocpy studies of molecular, magnetic and dielectric ultrathin film
    Funding: $1,200,400 (SERC)

  • R-144-000-107-112
    Start & end date: 01/01/04 to 31/12/07
    Title of Project: Nanopatterning by adsorbate-induced surface reconstruction
    Funding: $889,316 (ARF)

  • R-398-000-036-305
    Start & end date: 01/12/05 to 30/05/09
    Title of Project: Single Molecule Investigations For Molecular Electronics
    Funding: S$695,532.00 (SERC)

  • R-144-000-181-112
    Start & end date: 01/08/06 to 31/07/08
    Title of Project: Investigations of biomolecule-substrate interfaces using synchrotron-radiation spectroscopy
    Funding: S$
    $140,131 (FRC)

  • R-144-000-187-123 (75% from R-014-000-026-123) and R-144-000-187-101 (25% from C-144-000-230-411)
    Start & end date: 01/04/06 to 31/03/08
    Title: Formation of nanodots on metal oxide nanomesh for molecular electronic device applications
    Total Project Value: $75,000 for 2 years (JSPS, FY2006-$37,500 & FY2007-S37,500)

  • R-144-000-163-305 (A*STAR SERC 052 117 0030)
    Start & end date: 01/02/06 to 31/01/09 (co-PI, PMED TSRP)
    Title: Inkjet printed device and integrated plastic circuits: Electron spectroscopy
    Total Project Value: $115,040

  • R-144-000-180-305 (A*STAR SERC 052 117 0029)
    Start & end date: 01/02/06 to 31/01/09 (co-PI, PMED TSRP)
    Title: Molecular and Material Engineering Approaches to Organic and Polymer Electronics Devices
    Total Project Value: $129,000

  • R398-000-056-112 (T208B1109)
    Start & end date: 01/11/08 to 31/10/11
    Title: Toward organic spintronics
    Total Project Value: $ 598,020 (FY2008 ARF)

  • R-143-000-360-281 (co-PI)
    Start & end date: 03/03/08 to 02/03/13
    Title: Graphene Related Materials and Devices
    Total Project Value: $10M (NRF-CRP)

  • R-144-000-295-281 (co-PI)
    Start & end date: 2011 to 2016
    Title: Novel 2D Materials with Tailored Properties: Beyond Graphene
    Total Project Value: $8,427,083 exclusive of indirect cost of S$1,380,625 (NRF-CRP6-2010-05)

  • R-144-*** (co-PI)
    Start & end date: 01 Sep 2012 – 31 Aug 2017
    Title: Control of exotic quantum phenomena at strategic interfaces and surfaces for novel functionality by in-situ synchrotron radiation
    Total Project Value: S$9,571,808 (Direct cost: S$8,432,858, Overhead: S$759,300, IP & Commercialization cost: S$379,650) (NRF-CRP8-2011-06)

  • R-144-000-321-112 (AcRF Tier 1)
    Start & end date: 01 Oct 2013 - 30 Sept 2016
    Title: Two-Dimensional Hybrid Nanomaterials and Their Applications
    Total project value: $179,737.66

  • R-143-000-625-112 (MOE Tier 3 co-PI)
    Start & end date: 01 J
    ul 2015 - 30 Jun 2020
    Title: Open-shell Polycyclic Hydrocarbons: Next Generation Molecular Materials for Organic Electronics, Photonics and Spintronics
    Assigned project value: $400k approx

  • R-144-000-359-305  (A*STAR Pharos)
    Start & end date: 01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2020
    Title: Large Area Growth of Atomically Thin 2D Semiconductors (CVD/PVD)
    Total project value: $784,200 (Direct Cost: $687,500; IRC: $96,700

  • R-144-000-382-112  (MOE Tier 2 MOE2016-T2-2-110 )
    Start & end date: 01 J
    un 2017 - 28 Feb 2021
    Title: In-situ investigations of ferromagnetic van der Waals heterostructures
    Total project value: S$660,236

  • R-144-000-405-281  (NRF-NSFC)
    Start & end date: 01 Apr 201
    8 - 30 Sep 2021
    Title: Realization of Quantum Spin Hall Effects and Devices Based on Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators
    Total project value: $

  • R-144-000--444-112   (MOE Tier 2 MOE2017-T2-2-139  )
    Start & end date: 01 Jul 201
    8 - 30 Sep 2021
    Title: Atomic scale understanding and optimization of defects in 2D materials 
    Total project value: $914,648

  • R-144-000-412-112  (MOE Tier 2 MOE2018-T2-1-088)
    Start & end date: 01 Dec 201
    8 - 30 Nov 2021
    Title: Electrically-Driven Pseudo Machines in Molecular Junctions
    Total project value: $780,690

  • A-8000421-03-00 NRF CRP26-2021RS-0001 (26WBSA-8000421-03-00) PI:Zhao Dan     
    Start & end date: July 2022 -Jun 2027
    Title: Advanced Porous Materials and Membranes for Liquid-Phase Hydrocarbon Separations
    Share of project value: $988,000

  •  A-8000942-00-00 MOE-000344-00 MOE-T2EP50122-0020
    Start & end date: 01 Jan 2023- 31 Dec 2025
    Title: Atomic scale understanding of heterojunctions between ferromagnetic and semiconducting 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
    Total project value:$782,600.00

Prospective Graduate Students:

Applicants must first be admitted to the NUS Physics Department before choosing a supervisor.  Details for application to do a PhD at NUS Physics with research scholarship can be found at: