
Professor Andrew Wee

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38. Sun CQ, Zhang S, Hing P, Wei J, Xie H, Wee ATS
Spectral correspondence to the evolution of chemical bond and valence band in oxidation
MOD PHYS LETT B 11: (25) 1103-1113 OCT 30 1997

37. Low MHS, Huan CHA, Wee ATS, Tan KL
Ionization probability of Si+ ion emission from clean Si under Ar+ bombardment
J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 9: (43) 9427-9433 OCT 27 1997

36. Pan JS, Wee ATS, Huan CHA, Tan HS, Tan KL
ARXPS analysis of surface compositional change in Ar+ ion bombarded GaAs (100)
J PHYS D APPL PHYS 30: (18) 2514-2519 SEP 21 1997

35. Li K, Wee ATS, Lin J, Lee KK, Watt F, Tan KL, Feng ZC, Webb JB
A surface and interface study on the InSb/GaAs heterostructures
THIN SOLID FILMS 302: (1-2) 111-115 JUN 20 1997

34. Li K, Wee ATS, Lin J, Tan KL, Zhou L, Li SFY, Feng ZC, Chou HC, Kamra S, Rohatgi A
A microstructural study on the surface and interface of CdTe/CdS solar cells
J MATER SCI-MATER EL 8: (3) 125-132 JUN 1997

33. Pan JS, Wee ATS, Huan CHA, Tan HS, Tan KL
AES analysis of nitridation of Si(100) by 2-10 keV N-2(+) ion beams
APPL SURF SCI 115: (2) 166-173 JUN 1997


32. Pan JS, Wee ATS, Huan CHA, Tan HS, Tan KL
AES analysis of silicon nitride formation by 10 keV N+ and N-2(+) ion implantation
VACUUM 47: (12) 1495-1499 DEC 1996

31. Pan JS, Wee ATS, Huan CHA, Tan HS, Tan KL
XPS studies on nitridation of InP(100) surface by N-2(+) ion beam bombardment
J PHYS D APPL PHYS 29: (12) 2997-3002 DEC 14 1996

30. Pan JS, Wee ATS, Huan CHA, Tan HS, Tan KL
Argon incorporation and surface compositional changes in InP(100) due to low-energy Ar+ ion bombardment
J APPL PHYS 80: (12) 6655-6660 DEC 15 1996

29. Wee ATS, Huan ACH, Osipowicz T, Lee KK, Thian WH, Tan KL, Hogan R
Surface and interface studies of titanium silicide formation
THIN SOLID FILMS 283: (1-2) 130-134 SEP 1 1996

28. Li K, Lin J, Wee ATS, Tan KL, Feng ZC, Webb JB
Surface and interface analysis of GaSb/GaAs semiconductor materials
APPL SURF SCI 99: (1) 59-66 MAY 1996

27. Feng ZC, Rohatgi A, Tin CC, Hu R, Wee ATS, Se KP
Structural, optical, and surface science studies of 4H-SiC epilayers grown by low pressure chemical vapor deposition
J ELECTRON MATER 25: (5) 917-923 MAY 1996

26. Pan JS, Wee ATS, Huan CHA, Tan HS
Argon incorporation and silicon carbide formation during low energy argon-ion bombardment of Si(100)
J APPL PHYS 79: (6) 2934-2941 MAR 15 1996

25. Huan CH, Wee ATS, Low HSM, Tan KL
Secondary ion emission from silicon under 8 keV O-2(+) and Ar+ ion bombardment
VACUUM 47: (2) 119-127 FEB 1996

24. Feng ZC, Chou HC, Rohatgi A, Lim GK, Wee ATS, Tan KL
Correlations between CdTe/CdS/SnO2/glass solar cell performance and the interface surface properties
J APPL PHYS 79: (4) 2151-2153 FEB 15 1996