The High Energy Physics Group at the National University of Singapore conducts regular informal discussions on matters related directly or indirectly to High Energy Physics. We have held discussions on supersymmetry and finite temperature path-integra l methods. We have been involved in a lively discussion on Landau-Fermi liquids. For more information, you may contact B.E. Baaquie or C.H. Oh

Lecture Series

Commencing on 24 Jul 97, B.E. Baaquie is leading a lecture series and discussion sesssion on Superstring, D-branes and Black Holes every Thursday at 5 pm. Brief summaries and notes on the lecture and discussion are available below:

Introduction: With hyperlink to selected sites on superstring.
Lecture 1: RNS Formalism of Superstring.
Lecture 2: Spectrum of Physical States and GSO Projection.
Lecture 3: Coupling of RR Fields to D-Branes.
Lecture 4: Bosonic String. [postscript]
Lecture 5: T-Duality. [postscript]
Lecture 6: D-Branes Dynamics and Gauge Fields. [postscript]

More lectures notes will be made available soon.